For our second game I was encouraged by
veteran CoC players to play according to the standard rules before
making any modifications. So I started to religiously set up the
scenario, determined to go "by the book." But I fell off
the wagon right away when choosing forces, feeling like a kid in a
candy store. "I'll have one of these, and one of those, and
oh... I gotta have one of those too." Then I added it all up
and saw the huge total. Ouch! There is nothing more sobering than a
cost estimate. But I just couldn't put most of it back because it was
too tasty, so I said to heck with it and decided to use almost all of
it. So much for adherence to the book. Anyway, this scenario has
artillery, tanks, Molotovs, satchel charges, and an anti-tank gun.
Scenario Description & Patrol
Wanting a defined objective I chose the
generic Attack On An Objective scenario from the book as a basis and
overlaid some historical background.
The scenario takes place in late June,
1943 near Vitebsk. Operation Citadel in the south is imminent while
the front is quiet this far north. Stavka has ordered a series of
small jabs along the northern front to tie up local German reserves
and keep them from moving to support the impending battle at
Orel/Kursk. Russian trucks have brought drums of fuel to a forward
position at a small village to supply a forthcoming raid on Vitebsk.
German intelligence patrols report a
lightly guarded Russian forward fuel dump in a small village just
east of Vitebsk, and Army Group Centre has ordered a spoiling attack
to capture and recover the valuable fuel. An initial attack has
broken through the Russian lines and a small force has been detached
to capture the fuel dump. If captured (after the scenario) a convoy
of transport trucks is waiting in the rear to advance and transport
the fuel drums back behind German lines before Russian reinforcements
The victory conditions require the
Germans to either be in possession of the fuel dump JOP at the end
of the game (the fuel dump can't be destroyed), or force the Russians
to withdraw due to loss of Force Morale. If they achieve neither,
the Russians win. I was concerned about instilling a sense of urgency
in the attacker. CoC does not make provision for time urgency other
than that provided by Force Morale, allowing a game to find it's own
tempo. I wanted to force the German attacker to push hard to "beat
the clock." In other games this is done by limiting the number
of game turns, but this doesn't work in CoC since a game turn is
variable. So I put a limit on the number of phases allowed, with a
variable ending. The excellent CoC Forum had a posting showing
porting of Skirmish Campaigns scenarios into 3 CoC phases per game
turn. I felt maybe this was a bit too low but 4 phases per turn
maybe a bit too high. So I settled on trying it with 36 phases
(before a variable ending). At the end of Phase 36 the defender
rolls 2D6 and if an 11 or more is rolled the game ends. After Phase
37 it ends if a 10 or more is rolled, etc. Theoretically this should
average about 4 more phases.
The rest of the scenario was set up
according to the book with intent to adhere to the rules during game
The Russian is defending the east edge
(left) and the German attack comes from the west edge (right). The
village has a church and three buildings plus just foundation ruins
from another. The church, the two western buildings, the foundations,
and the three stone walls are Hard Cover (no penetration by small
arms), while the eastern building is wooden. Woods, hedges, crops,
and garden are all Light Cover. The ploughed field, ruins, and woods
are Broken Ground, with the rest being Open Ground, including the
gentle hills. Stone walls, foundations, and hedges are Low so they,
by themselves, do not block LOS and are Minor Obstacles. Woods are
dense with bushes so block LOS across them but allow visibility of 4
inches into them and 6 inches when inside them. The fuel dump
objective is in the centre near the Russian edge.

The German side rolled a 5 so got to
move a Patrol Marker for four free moves before the Russian could
move their first one. After locking down all the Patrol Markers the
Jump Off Points were defined as shown on the map, blue beads for
German, and red beads for Russian, with an additional Russian JOP on
the fuel dump.
Force Selection
To save time, prior to the game I
assembled the forces for each side. Rather than roll for support
levels, I just assigned them, keeping to the scenario formula. With
an attacking German Force Rating of 0 and defending Russian of -3,
the Russian support points needed to be half the German's then add 3
more. But the support levels were about three times more than
allowed. I called it tweaking the support levels somewhat. <grin>
Apparently looking for a larger game I gave the German side 32
points and the Russian half that with 16, adding another 3 points for
Force Rating difference to make 19. This level of support is way
larger than called for by the scenario, but I couldn't resist. This
game needed to include some artillery, tanks, and squad anti-tank
German Force: Force Rating 0
Command Dice: 5
HQ: Leutnant, Senior Leader – machine
pistol, Panzershreck Team (2x crew)
Squads 1, 2, and 3, each with:
Obergefreiter Junior Leader – machine pistol + panzerfaust, LMG
Team (MG42 + 2x crew + 1 rifleman), Rifle Team (6x riflemen).
Platoon Support: 32 support "points"
- Options from List #s totaling 32
From List #
1: Adjutant
2: Senior Leader – machine pistol
4: Regular Infantry Squad:
Obergefreiter Junior Leader – machine pistol + panzerfaust, LMG
Team (MG42 + 2x crew + 1 rifleman), Rifle Team (6x riflemen).
4: Forward Observer & 8cm Mortar
5: PzIIIL - radio
7: PzIVG - radio
7: PzIVG - radio
2: Panzer IV Platoon Commander - Senior
Russian Force: Force Rating -3
Command Dice: 5
HQ: Leytenant, Senior Leader – pistol
Squads 1, 2, and 3, each with: Serzhant
Junior Leader – SMG, 1x LMG (2x crew), 7x riflemen.
Platoon Support: 19 support “points”
(options from List #s totaling 19)
From List #
2: Commissar ( I downgraded him to List
2 because I thought him less useful than a Maxim. Hah!)
4: 45mm L46 Anti-Tank Gun
1: Satchel Charge ( I also threw in 6
Molotovs, 2 for each squad, to have some infantry AT capability)
6: T-34/76 - no radio
6: T-34/76 - no radio
The German has real punch here with an
extra squad, tanks, and artillery. The Russians are strong on
anti-tank, but less so against infantry. I felt the loss of the lone
Russian Senior Leader (SL) would be more of a game breaker than the
loss of a Maxim, so I went with a Commissar instead.
We played on a 4x4 foot section of my
4x6 table. So far I'm finding 4x4 to be perfectly OK for 15mm games
of CoC, needing side board room for tracking markers & dice. I'm
using forces based mainly on Flames of War stands with a few add-on
leaders and specialty teams based individually. Dice show the number
of men in each team. I used the CoC Game Token Set which has very
useful oversize Chain of Command Dice and some neat Tactical and
Overwatch markers. The Overwatch markers show the 90 degrees of
coverage very well. Since there are so few of them the set's red
Shock markers were only used to mark a "stunned" leader
(2-3 roll). My old Wound and Pin markers from I Ain't Been Shot Mom
were used for shock, pins, and artillery markers. I wondered how to
track the various levels of damage to tanks. This prompted me to
make a set of markers the same size as my previous IABSM ones. It
turned out these worked really well. The table gets a bit cluttered,
but at least we know what is going on!
Game Start
Hauptmann Pollockstein takes the German
attacker side and Kapitan Muellerov the Russians, while I moderate
and record. Both sides roll for Force Morale and the Germans roll a
big 6 for a Morale of 11, while the Russians roll a medium 3 for a
Morale of 9. With higher Force Morale, the German goes first. Both
sides have 5 Command Dice.
Phase 1 – German Roll
5,5,5,3,2 CoC Dice = 3
The next phase will be Russian.
Already 3 pips on the CoC dice! Hptm. Pollockstein uses a 2 to
deploy Obgfr. Fiedler's squad on the nearby hill top. Then he uses
the 3 to deploy Obgfr. Wagner's PzIV who spends 1 CI to put his
gunner on Overwatch. End Phase.
Phase 2 – Russian roll:
6,5,4,3,2 CoC Dice = 1
Next phase is German. Kap. Muellerov
spends a 3 to deploy Szt. Korzhakov's T-34 on the road who spends 1
CI to put his the gunner on Overwatch. Then, being cagey, he passes
on the 4 and 2, waiting to see what Pollockstein is up to. End phase.
Phase 3 – German Roll
6,4,3,2,1 CoC Dice = 3
Next phase is Russian. Hptm.
Pollockstein uses a 3 on Obgfr. Fiedler's squad deployed last turn
spending 2 CI to put both his Teams on Overwatch, then a 2 to deploy
Obgfr. Hirsch's squad in the open on the south slope of the same
hill. After that a 4 and a 1 to deploy a Senior Leader (SL), Lt.
Krause, and a Forward Observer (F.O.) Team on the same hill in the
woods near the squads. The F.O. Team contacts the mortar battery
automatically. End phase.
Phase 4 – Russian roll:
6,5,2,1,1 CoC Dice = 2
Next phase is German. Muellerov sees
the Germans lolling about in the open and uses a 2 to deploy Szt.
Pashin's squad on the east hill to fire at the German squads causing
2 casualties plus "stunning" Obgfr. Fiedler (red marker) in
one squad, and wounding Obgfr. Hirsch in the other squad (yellow
bead), but no shock. Good shooting! The Obgfr. Fiedler's Rifle Team
on Overwatch returns fire and misses the Russians completely! End
Phase 5 – German Roll
4,4,4,1,1 CoC Dice = 3
Next phase will be Russian. With a 1
Pollockstein activates the F.O. Team who places an Artillery Request
marker on Szt. Pashin's squad on the hill. The F.O. Team calls for a
Ranging Shot instead of an Immediate Barrage, but the Ranging Shot is
way off target and not kept. The Artillery Request is left open for
the next F.O. Team activation with a +1 DRM on accuracy. With
another 1 die Pollockstein deploys a Panzershreck Team at the hedge
near the squads on the hill. With a 4 he activates Lt. Krause (SL)
who uses 1 CI to move Obgfr. Fiedler's squad ahead to the woods, and
another CI to move Obgfr. Hirsch's squad down the hill behind the
Then Pollockstein uses the last 4 to
deploy Lt. Jaeger's Command PzIV. Jaeger spends 1 CI to order his
gunner to go on Overwatch, and a second CI to issue a radio command
to Obgfr. Wagner's previously deployed PzIV and has him order his
driver to move flat out up the road. End phase.
Phase 6 – Russian roll:
6,5,4,2,1 CoC Dice = 3
Next phase is German. Seeing the
threat building on the Russian left flank to the south, Muellerov
passes on using the 4 and uses the 2 + 1 to activate Szt. Korzhakov's
T-34 who spends 1 CI to order his driver to fast move south along the
east edge of the table behind the woods. End of phase. (no photo)
Phase 7 – German Roll
6,5,5,3,2 CoC Dice = 5
Next phase will be Russian.
Pollockstein uses the 3 to activate Obgfr. Wagner's lead PzIV who
uses one CI to order his driver to move flat out up the road, getting
a good roll, and the second CI to order his gunner on Overwatch,
concerned about the T-34 engine noises ahead. The 2 dice is used to
deploy Obgfr. Ritter's squad behind the stone wall near Wagner's PzIV
and he orders his squad to fire on Szt. Pashin's squad on the hill
causing 1 casualty, 1 shock, and "stunning" Szt. Pashin.
End phase. Some payback for the damage dealt out to the German
squads! End phase.
Phase 8 – Russian roll:
6,6,4,2,1 CoC Dice = 3
Russian goes again next phase!
Muellerov uses a 4 to deploy Lt. Vasilyev, his Senior Leader (SL) to
the hill, attaching to both Pashin's squad and the AT Gun. With 1 CI
he removes the shock from the squad, and with a second CI activates
Pashin's squad to fire their LMG on Ritter's German squad behind the
stone wall (they miss), and the squad's remaining riflemen to fire at
the F.O. Team on the hill getting 3 hits. The nearby German SL, Lt.
Krause, is out of LOS due to the intervening church so not a target,
leaving the F.O. Team is on its own. A 6 is rolled in the effect
rolls requiring a further roll for damage to the F.O. A 3 is rolled
and the F.O. Team is eliminated! Ouch! This is a head-shaker since
we all felt the F.O. should be safe, having deployed in cover,
without moving or firing to advertise his position. We needed to
address this before proceeding, so we decided for this game to call
the F.O. initially out of LOS so the fire effect was negated or a
"miss," and to query the CoC Forum.
[An independent F.O. has a 36% chance of being eliminated with a full
enemy squad fire and is 3 times as vulnerable to elimination as an
unattached Leader. This concern is discussed on the Forum if you
wish further info. From Forum discussions, we plan to try a draft
house rule: If an F.O. deploys in cover he is hidden until he moves
or is spotted by an enemy Leader spending 1 CI for his squad or team
to successfully attempt to spot the F.O. on a 4-6 roll. Also the F.O
will have the same probability of elimination as a Leader]
After that sour moment, Muellerov uses
the 1 die to deploy a 45mm AT Gun on the hill top and orders it to
fire at Obgfr. Wagner's PzIV in the open. The AT Gun just needs a 5
to hit which should be easy, but rolls a 4 and misses! Wagner's PzIV
on Overwatch returns fire with H.E. with hits split between the AT
Gun and Pashin's squad. The gun takes one shock and Pashin's squad 1
casualty, missing Szt. Pashin. Muellerov passes on using the 2 die.
End phase.
Phase 9 – Russian roll:
6,4,3,3,2 CoC Dice = 3
Next phase is German. Since Wagner's PzIV is no longer on
Overwatch, Muellerov uses a 3 to activate Szt. Korzhakov's T-34 and
gets a big roll to boldly move flat out up to the road behind the
This doubles the threat to Obgfr.
Wagner's PzIV! Now Muellerov uses a 4 to activate the SL, Lt. Vasilyev, who spends a CI to remove the shock on the AT Gun squad on the hill, and both remaining CIs to activate the AT Gun to fire at Wagner's PzIV again with a +1 DRM. Since the PzIV is an acquired target for +1 that is +2 total. It hits but only rolls 1 strike and Wagner's PzIV rolls 2 armour saves for a ping.
The second 3 is used to deploy a second
tank, Szt. Torchinovich's T-34 at the road edge, while the 2 is used
to activate Pashin's squad to shuffle closer to the AT Gun for a
better angle on Obgfr. Ritter's German squad at the stone wall. End
Phase 10 – German Roll
6,6,3,2,1 CoC Dice = 5
The German goes again next phase! Szt.
Korzhakov may regret his bold move with his T-34! Pollockstein uses a
3 +1 to activate Lt. Jaeger's Command PzIV who uses 1 CI to order his
driver to slow move up into LOS of Korzhakov's T-34, and one CI to
order his gunner to fire at the T-34. He rolls boxcars! This is a
critical hit giving 3 more strike dice for a total of 11! But then
Jaeger only rolls 3 hits and Korzhakov's T-34 rolls 2 armour dice for
just 1 net hit. The effect roll is a 4 causing engine damage and 1
Jaeger's Command PzIV spends the last
CI to radio Obgfr. Wagner’s PzIV and has him order his gunner to
fire on the AT Gun with H.E. causing a casualty on the gun, plus a
shock and a second "stun" on the squad's JL, Szt. Pashin.
Then Hptm. Pollockstein uses the
remaining 2 to activate Ritter's squad at the stone wall to fire on
the AT Gun and Pashin's squad, getting a massive 11 hits! This causes
2 shock and a further casualty on the gun, plus a whopping 5 shock on
Pashin's squad, missing both Pashin and Vasilyev. End phase but the
next phase is also German! It's looking bad for the Russians on the
hill! End phase.
Phase 11 – German Roll
6,5,3,1,1 CoC Dice = 6 Full!
Next phase is Russian. Pollockstein
uses a 3 +1 to activate Jaeger's Command PzIV, who spends 1 CI to
order his gunner to fire on Korzhakov's T-34 again, causing another
shock (now 2) and a "Commander Panic," which means
Korzhakov has "lost it" for a moment and his T-34 can't
activate in the next phase. The second CI is used to radio Obgfr.
Wagner's PzIV and has him order his gunner to fire at the AT Gun &
Pashin's squad again causing another casualty on the AT Gun crew.
The last 1 die is used to activate the
F.O. who places a Ranging Shot marker on the hill near Pashin's
Russian squad. The roll for deviation is on target so the Ranging
Shot marker is kept for a future barrage. End phase. (no photo)
Phase 12 – Russian roll:
6,6,1,1,1 CoC Dice = 3
Next phase is Russian again! Perhaps
a reprieve! Muellerov uses a 1 to activate the AT Gun, hitting
Wagner's PzIV but the shot just pings. Then adding 1 + 1 he
activates Pashin's squad on the hill and fires at Ritter's German
squad at the stone wall causing a casualty on the LMG Team and 1
shock on the Rifle Team. Korzhakov, the T-34's commander, recovers
from his panic attack. End phase. (no photo)
Phase 13 – Russian roll:
6,4,2,2,1 CoC Dice = 3
The next phase is German. In a surprise
move, Hptm. Pollockstein plays his CoC dice to activate the F.O. to
bring down an FFE mortar barrage! This pins the AT Gun, Pashin's
squad and Vasilyev, and the barrage causes 1 shock to the AT Gun (now
3) and 1 shock to Pashin's squad (now 7), plus a wound to Szt. Pashin

Muellerov resumes the Russian phase by
using a 4 to activate Vasilyev (SL) to spend 2 CIs and remove 2 shock
from the AT Gun (now 1). The third CI activates the gun to fire at
Wagner's PzIV on the road. Despite a -2 DRM for pinned he does get a
+1 for acquired target and hits the PzIV. However Wagner's PzIV
rolls equal saves and the effect roll is a 4 which only requires his
PzIV to engage the AT Gun in the next phase.
[Edit: We made a major game goof here - that an FFE barrage does not block LOS! 10.3.1 clearly indicates an FFE barrage blocks LOS the same as a smoke barrage. We didn't become aware of this error until late in the game so the AAR continues with LOS allowed.]
Kap. Muellerov then uses a 2 + 1 to
activate Korzhakov's T-34 who spends one CI to remove a shock and the
second to order his gunner to fire the Coaxial MG on Ritter's squad
by the stone wall. They are in the open and suffer 1 casualty and 1
shock on the Rifle Team, 1 shock to the LMG Team, plus Obgfr. Ritter
is lightly wounded. End Phase.
We had to call it night at this point
with a plan to continue the following week (13 phases in 2-1/2
hours). So the "cat cover" went on and held all in stasis
until then. Here's how the table looked at this point.
The German attack is pushing hard down
the road and on the right flank with the mortar barrage pinning the
Russians on the hill. But the Russians are being cagey, holding back
on deploying more squads until the main thrust is fully defined.
Meanwhile the Russians are buying time and has the German forces on
the road tied up. The clock is ticking and the original Force Morale
levels, Russian 9 and German 11, are still untouched!
We resumed play the following week with
Hauptmann Pollockstein unable to attend to play, so I, Hauptman
Chappenstein, bravely assumed command of the German attack.
Phase 14 – German Roll
5,4,1,1,1 CoC Dice = 1
Next phase is Russian. Using a 4,
Hptm. Chappenstein activates Jaeger's Command PzIV who spends 1 CI to
order his gunner to fire on Korzhakov's T-34, hitting with a net 1
hit for 1 shock (now 2) and another engine damage.
[After the game session I realized damage is supposed to be cumulative so
perhaps the 2nd engine damage should have immobilized the T-34, but
we played that it had no further effect] With a second CI he
radios Wagner's PzIV to have him order his gunner to fire on the AT
Gun and Pashin's squad again as a required target from last phase.
Using H.E. he scores 5 hits! The AT Gun escapes damage, but Pashin's
squad takes 2 shock and a casualty, but missing Szt. Pashin. Then the
1 + 1 + 1 dice were added to activate Obgfr. Ritter for the squad at
the stone wall using his one CI to remove a shock. End Phase. (no
Phase 15 – Russian roll:
6,5,4,3,3 CoC Dice = 4
Next phase is German. Muellerov
activates the SL, Vasilyev, who spends 2 CI to take 2 shock off
Pashin's squad. The third CI activates the AT Gun to fire at
Wagner's PzIV. Despite being pinned the gun hits and scores a net 1
damage, causing a shock and "Commander Panic" so Obgfr.
Wagner "loses it" for next phase! Then Kap. Muellerov uses
a 3 to activate Korzhakov's T-34 who spends both CIs to issue orders
to both the Coaxial and Hull MG gunners to fire on the German squad
in the open by the stone wall. The LMG Team takes 1 shock, the Rifle
Team a shock and 2 casualties, plus Obgfr. Ritter is "stunned."
Muellerov uses the last 3 to activate Szt. Torchinovich's T-34 to
move up the road. End Phase. (no photo - I forgot 'cause I was
Phase 16 – German Roll
6,4,4,3,1 CoC Dice = 1
Next phase is Russian. Chappenstein
uses a 4 to activate the Jaeger's Command PzIV spending 1 CI to order
his gunner to fire on Korzhakov's T-34 again, hitting with a solid
net 2 effect causing 2 more shock, raising the T-34s shock level to 4
requiring Szt. Korzhakov and his crew to bail, leaving it abandoned!
Yes! One down! [Correction: During game play
we forgot to roll on the Bad Things Happen Table for the loss of a
Support Unit after the T-34 crew abandoned. After the game
session I rolled a 1d6 getting a 3 which is a loss of -1 to the
Russian Force Morale, reducing it to 8.]
With a second CI Jaeger orders his
driver to move his PzIV up the road. (I can't
spend the third CI because the PzIV's commander, Obgfr. Wagner, is in
a panic and his tank could not be activated.)
Another view from the Russian side.
Then Chappenstein used the second 4 to
activate Lt Krause (SL) on the hill spending all three CIs to move
himself, the PzSh Team and Obgfr. Hirsch's squad by the hedge, all
straight east toward the Russians.
Then Chappenstein used a 3 to deploy
another little surprise for the Russians, Obgfr. Eichmann's PzIIIL
enters at the road edge. Obgfr. Wagner recovers from his panic
attack. End Phase.
Phase 17 – Russian roll:
6,6,3,2,1 CoC Dice = 4
Next phase is also Russian! Kap.
Muellerov uses a 3 to activate Szt. Torchinovich's T-34 who spends 1
CI to order his driver to move up the road into position behind the
abandoned T-34 such that it is out of LOS of the two PzIVs but in
sight of Ritter's squad on the open by the stone wall. With his
second CI he orders his gunner to fire the Coaxial MG on Ritter's
squad, but he misses them. Muellerov then uses a 1 to have the AT
Gun fire on the Wagner's PzIV, but being pinned, misses again. Lastly
he uses the 2 to attempt to deploy a squad which fails. End phase.
(no photo)
Phase 18 – Russian roll:
6,6,4,2,1 CoC Dice = 4
Again the next phase is Russian! Three
in a row! With a 4 Muellerov activates the SL, Vasilyev who uses 3 CI
to take 3 shock off Pashin's squad and the AT Gun. Then he uses a 1
to fire the AT Gun at Wagner's PzIV which which hits but bounces off
the front armour! The last 2 is used to attempt to bring on a squad,
which is successful. Szt. Myshkin's squad arrives behind the hedge
on the Russian left where Fiedler's and Hirsch's German squads are
making a determined push. Myshkin immediately has his squad fire on
Fiedler's LMG Team and the PzSh Team at the woods since Fiedler's
Rifle Team is out of LOS, getting 1 shock on each. Lastly, a 2 is
used to successfully deploy the last squad commanded by Szt. Denisov
at the Russian right flank behind the hill. End phase (no photo)
Phase 19 – Russian roll:
6,4,4,2,1 CoC Dice = 4
Next phase is German. And they will
need it! A 4 is used to activate Lt. Vasilyev (SL) to take 3 more
shock off the AT Gun and Pashin's squad. Then using the 1 the AT Gun
fires again at Wagner's PzIV. This time very lucky, rolling boxcars!
A critical hit giving 3 extra dice to the strike dice, But the PzIV
rolls good for armour only causing 1 shock and a gunner panic. The
last 2 activates Szt. Myshkin's squad which fires again at Fiedler's
LMG Team and the PzSh Team adding 2 more shock on each. The LMG Team
is OK since he can share shock with the Rifle Team, but the PzSh Team
is dangerously close to breaking! End Phase. (no photo).
Phase 20 – German Roll
6,5,2,1,1 CoC Dice = 2
Next phase is Russian. A pretty crappy
roll since Chappenstein needs 4's for his leader to remove shock.
The biggest problem is the almost broken PzSh team and LMG Team, so
adds the 2 + 1 + 1 to activate Lt. Krause at the woods and spend all
his CIs to take off 3 shock, leaving 1 on the LMG Team and 2 on the
PzSh Team. End phase.
Phase 21 – Russian roll:
6,5,2,1,1 CoC Dice = 5
Next phase is German. Sensing a
potential kill, Muellerov uses a 2 and activates Szt. Myshkin's squad
to fire again at the LMG and PzSh Teams, this time breaking the PzSh
Team which retreats back behind the hill! Lt. Krause does not
retreat with the PzSh Team because he is also attached to Fiedler's
squad. Rolling on the Bad Things Happen Table, the German Force
Morale drops -1 to 10. Muellerov now uses a 2 to move Szt.
Denisov's squad in the north to the top of the hill. And the 1
activates the AT Gun to fire at Wagner's PzIV again but misses
(again!). End phase.
Phase 22 – German Roll
5,4,4,1,1 CoC Dice = 3
Next phase is Russian. Hauptmann
Lowellinski shows up to play! We take over command of the German side
together. With a 4 Hptm. Lowellinski activates Lt. Krause in the
woods who spends a CI to remove a shock from Fiedler's LMG Team, and
a CI to order Fiedler's squad to go to Tactical stance for better
cover. The third CI orders Hirsch's squad in the crop to fire at
Myshkin's Russian squad behind the hedge. He rolls a whacking 11
hits causing 5 shock!
The second 4 activates Jaeger's Command
PzIV who radios Obgfr. Wagner's PzIV (with 2 shock) to order his
driver to reverse (2d6) out of the fire of the AT Gun. The second CI
orders Jaeger's own gunner to go on Overwatch.
With the third CI Jaeger radios Obgfr.
Eichmann's PzIII and has him order his driver to move flat out toward
the right flank, past the broken PzSh Team to support the troops in
trouble there.
Lastly, the 1 + 1 is used to deploy the
last squad, commanded by Obgfr. Braun into the crop on the left flank
to counter Denisov's Russian squad just over the hilltop. End phase.
Phase 23 – Russian roll:
6,6,5,4,1 CoC Dice = 6 Full!
Next phase is Russian! Muellerov uses
the 4 and activates Lt. Vasilyev who spends 3 CI to remove 3 shock on
Pashin's squad. All the shock has now been removed from the squad
and AT Gun! The 1 is used to fire the AT Gun at Wagner's shocked
PzIV which hits but again just pings off the armour.
Then Muellerov plays the CoC dice to
end the Game Turn! The barrage lifts and all "stunned"
leaders become conscious again. The Tactical and Overwatch markers
come off. Troops all test for being pinned and all are OK except the
PzSh Team which is eliminated since it is broken. End Phase.
Phase 24 – Russian roll:
6,5,4,3,1 CoC Dice = 0
Next phase is German. Muellerov plays
the 5 to deploy the Commissar, Lt. Gorev, with Lt. Vasilyev. Then
the 4 to activate Vasilyev to spend 1 CI to order Pashin's squad to
fire on Ritter's German squad at the stone wall, getting a massive 9
hits! The LMG Team is wiped out but rolls low on the Bad Things
Happen Table so no change to the Force Morale. Lt. Vasilyev spends
his last 2 CIs to enhance the fire of the AT Gun on Wagner's PzIV
but, once again, just pings a shot off its front armour.
The 3 is used to activate Szt.
Myshkin's squad in the south who spends 1 CI to remove a shock (now
4) and the other to fire on the LMG Team in the woods, getting 6 hits
and finally wiping it out! But the fire misses Fiedler and Krause.
The German Force Morale drops by 1 more, down to 9. End phase. A
very good one for the Russian! (no photo)
Phase 25 – German Roll
5,5,4,2,1 CoC Dice = 5
Next phase is Russian. Hptm.
Lowellinski uses the 4 to activate Jaeger's Command PzIV who spends
1 CI put his gunner on Overwatch and a second CI to radio Wagner's
shocked PzIV to order his driver to move flat out behind the building
to recover before it can get knocked out by the AT Gun. However, he
rolls disastrously short and Wagner's driver pulls up early so the
PzIV is left open to a side shot from the AT Gun next phase!
Pic CoC2 Vitebsk P25 G PzIV Move.gif
With the third CI Jaeger radios
Eichmann's PzIII to order his driver to move flat out toward Szt.
Myshkin's Russian squad ahead.
Lastly Hptm. Lowellinski uses the 2 + 1
to activate Obgfr. Wagner, commander of the shocked PzIV, to spend 2
CI to remove both shock. The upcoming side shot may be deadly! End
Phase. [Error: Wagner's PzIV was already
activated to move this phase by Lt. Jaeger using radio. A unit can't
be activated twice in one phase! We thought individual crew members
were activated separately and didn't realize until much later in the
game it is the tank commander being activated who then orders his
crew. When discovered later, we made no adjustments since the 3 would
have been used to have Hirsch's south squad fire on Myshkin's squad
I deliberately halted Part 1 of the AAR
at this point. The entire AAR will be too long for one posting, so
I'm just posting Part 1 up to Phase 25 now. The remainder of the game
will be posted as
Spoiling Action At Vitebsk - 1943 - Part 2 within a couple of weeks.
The Russians are holding on, slowing
the German advance, causing significant German casualties. The
German Force Morale is 9 and the Russian's at 8. The 45mm AT Gun is
hanging in there and along with Szt. Torchinovich's T-34 they still
command the centre of the battlefield. Now that the mortar barrage
has lifted and the game about 2/3 over, can they hang on and win or
are they doomed to a sudden collapse? Meanwhile, I'll leave you in
suspense on the success of the side shot on Obgfr. Wagner's PzIV!
Tune in later!